New effects have been added, corners and roughness have been erased, the animation is smooth and lively What else can be said, except that now the appearance has become much more attractive and voluminous. The good old classics in a new, beautiful wrapper will let you relive the forgotten euphoria from the first acquaintance with this series. All the same familiar “plasmids”, barrels and a set of various cartridges for them, “tonics” for a temporary improvement in performance. Redrawn landscapes, updated graphics, an abundance of little things and details. The only difference is that the trilogy now looks just great. History, beautiful locations and interesting gameplay – everything remains the same. The original games received high ratings and reverence from a huge number of people. YOU CAN ALSO READ: Download Re-Legion torrent download for PC Game processīy downloading Bioshock: The Collection from the torrent, you will have an excellent trilogy of first-person shooters.

“Rapture” collapses before our eyes, mutants and insane psychos fill the streets and there is no trace of the former greatness. The utopia does not last long and pampering with the narcotic substance “adam”, with which the inhabitants of the city poison themselves quite quickly, leads to disastrous consequences. Thus, the city of Rapture, hidden deep in the ocean, is born, a world of a new model, in which freedom of expression and human rights are elevated to the absolute. Capitalism, religion, politics – all this has set the teeth on edge and does not fit in with his ideas about an ideal society and state. The ideological billionaire Andrew Ryan rejects the social norms that prevail on the planet in 1960.

The restored and improved trilogy with all the additions will cause a lot of positive emotions, influxes of nostalgia and give dozens of hours of pleasure. Anyone who is not indifferent to the first-person shooter genre can download Bioshock: The Collection from the torrent right now.