Tweaked size of the “sweet spot” on fishing prompt so it’s more easily seen.Tweaked lighting in homes to make the shadows less ugly when in low resolution.Food Crafting UI has been updated to match rest of game UI.Community: Locked off Roof and Wall area of Rosa’s office until the correct Mayor Merit is unlocked.Worked into the Mayor Merit screen to make gameplay merits more visible as well as what stats are required easier to read.Weed respawn rates are no longer tied to real-world days.Community: Intro quests now count towards “requests completed” stat.Community: Bridge and stairs placement is less strict about rotations.Creator code is now saved after first online connection, speeding up saving of creations and fixing an issue that could be caused if there was no internet connection when saving.New Barn location! You can now go inside the small barn on Aubrey’s Farm.See how much space all of your furniture creations take up relative to how much space is available.See how much disk space each design takes up.Browse all the furniture creations in the game’s save data and:.Community: Added a tab for Player Creations in the Design Tool, from here you can:.Added a quest tracker on the HUD, showing main quest steps, as well as any villager requests the player is tracking.World Shrines: Donate resources to shrines around the world to unlock them and teleport between locations!.Community: Expandable Housing: Interact with a home to add either an upstairs or downstairs room!.