Get personalized recommendations on exercises to focus on and related videos to help you in exam preparation. Prepare for your exams with quizzes and unit tests in math from classes 1-12 for NCERT and CBSE syllabus.

Over 40,000 interactive practice exercises with instant feedback and step-by-step hints. Interactive practice exercises and unit tests for exam preparation Learn at your pace and build a strong foundation to do well in school, boards, CAT, GMAT, IIT-JEE and other exams. Master math (arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, linear algebra), science (biology, chemistry, physics), economics, and more. All content mapped to NCERT and CBSE syllabus. Over 10,000 videos and practice exercises on math and science.

Learning app for building a strong conceptual understanding Our content is aligned to NCERT and CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English and many more regional languages.

Khan Academy is a free learning app for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises and tests for math, science and more subjects.