Download wonderputt golf game
Download wonderputt golf game

download wonderputt golf game

Thankfully it was included in a lot of the press previews, reviews and interviews which all helped to promote the game during and on the lead up to launch. Rather than do a straight forward demonstration it felt important to add the element of spoof with the absurd notion of becoming educated by the game. While waiting for Apple approval Dan and I put together a trailer especially for the iOS version. The new crisp graphics and improved performance using AIR 3.4 resulted in an even better version than the original!” So I added double sized textures to dynamically swap in depending on the device. Then by accident we discovered it worked at Retina resolution on the new iPad3. “…with Tom’s guidance I went through the process of optimizing the game, converting a lot of vectors to bitmaps and reducing alpha use and blend modes etc. The development process for the port is discussed on Tom’s blog here. This inevitably delayed development on all projects, but thankfully Tom Krcha from Adobe convinced me Wonderputt could be brought to iPad with relative ease. Meeting, greeting and eating with a lot of great people and making new friends in the industry was a reeeal joy! What followed was a torrent of correspondence making my inbox full time management. A talk at FGS, 3 day booth at the IGF and the awards ceremony was a whirlwind of opportunity and one of my busiest week’s to date. What!? 2012? So what happened in that blink of the eye at Damp Gnat?Īpart from selling a shed load of licenses and getting Icycle2 started, GDC in San Francisco was the big event that put Damp Gnat on the map.

download wonderputt golf game

but with cows, toads, ski slopes, torpedos and a sprinkle of alien abduction for good measure. The theme encompasses all manner of scientific illustration from geographic encyclopedias to instruction manuals…. The game uses Adverputt’s core code but with 18 holes, each with their own unique animated features.

download wonderputt golf game download wonderputt golf game

It was made using 3DStudioMax (for small objects) but mainly Adobe Photoshop, Flash and cheap note pads. Initially estimated at a 2 month production period, ended up taking over 5 months over a year between contract work. Wonderputt is Damp Gnat’s award winning iOS and online Flash adventure-golf game, launched 15th August 2011 on Kongregate and 13th September 2012 on iPad.

Download wonderputt golf game